- The Do's and Don'ts of Pregnancy |
following are some of the Do’s while Pregnant
• Identify a good gynecologist who is a caring
and efficient physician, having good track records.
• You will need a lot more iron and vitamins
when pregnant and it is hard to get enough by eating
alone. Strictly follow doctor’s and dietitian’s
prescription. Eat a healthy varied diet with a focus
on nutrition. Foget old saying “Eat a lot because
you are “eating for two”. The fact is the
second person you are eating for only needs 300 Calories
a day so don’t eat two aduls portions every meal.
Include more fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains (such
as whole-wheat breads). Eat plenty of calcium-rich foods
(such as non-fat or low-fat yogurt, milk and broccoli)
that your baby needs for strong bones and teeth. Choose
leaner foods such as skim milk, chicken and turkey without
the skin and fish. Eat frequent, small meals. |
Your body is working more to develop a baby and you
may be tired often. Sleep, rest and relax as often as
possible. Get approximately 7-9 hours of sleep each
night. It is better if you can sleep on your left side
and use pillows between your legs and under your belly.
• Normal marital relations are probably safe during
pregnancy until last few weeks. (However, if at any
time sexual intercourse is uncomfortable, it is wiser
to refrain.)
• Do a light exercise routine as often as possible
to keep you limber and ease discomfort during pregnancy.
Walking is the great light exercises. Exercise can help
a lot to have a painless labour.
• Make sure you are wearing seat-belt correctly
while traveling.
• You have nothing to fear; for nature has provided
every thing for you. Just relax and will go well.
Don’t Do these things
while Pregnant
• Do not use drugs without your doctor’s
express permission. Any illegal drugs can damage the
baby substantially.
• Do not smoke and also avoid passive smocking
• Don’t drink alcohol. Even the slightest
amount of alcohol can deprive your baby of valuable
• Do not take very hot baths or hot tubs.
• Do not douche or use scented feminine hygiene
products and scented sprays as these can irritate the
vagina and result an increase risk of infection.
• Do not allow excessive
amount of body weight gain. On average, 25 to 30 pounds
is a healthy weight gain over the 40 weeks of pregnancy.
• Do not eat fish such as shark, swordfish,
king mackerel or tilefish that may contain mercury.
• Do not drink un pasteurized milk, eat un pasteurized
milk products or cheeses that can cause bacterial
• Do not take laxatives without talking to your
doctor. Don't strain during bowel movements. Drink
plenty of fluids and eat fruits, vegetables and bran
cereal to avoid constipation.
• Avoid eating too much of fatty foods such
as butter and fatty meats.
• Avoid meat, eggs and fish that are not fully
cooked and it may lead you at risk for an infection.
• Avoid long naps during the day.
• Avoid the stressful areas of your life that
you can.
• Avoid biking, or weight lifting that can damage
loose joints